Optimize your energy, arm yourself adorned in love with our brand new Chakra Collection.
Root Chakra
The root chakra is our foundational energy center. The color is red, symbolizing stability, security, and grounding. Located at the base of our spine, it’s where we ground ourselves with earth energy and feel a deep sense of presence, safety, and interconnection.
Sacral Chakra
The sacral chakra is our birthplace of creativity, sensuality, and imagination. The color is orange, situated in our sensual organs, connecting us with the water element, lunar energy, masculine and feminine qualities and our divine right to experience desire and pure pleasure.
Solar Plexus Chakra
Our solar plexus is associated with fire and the power of transformation. This chakra provides a source of personal power and relates to self-esteem, warrior energy, and the power of transformation. The color, like the sun, is yellow, situated in our navel, connecting us with our courageous, fearless.
Heart Chakra
Our heart chakra is the essence of pure love and light. The color is green, like an emerald pristine rainforest. The element is air, as we inhale and exhale, expanding and replenishing our heart center with every breath. Connecting our lower and upper chakras, our heart acts as a bridge between earthly matters and higher aspirations.
Throat Chakra
Our throat chakra is our energy center of expression and communication. The color is blue, inviting you to tilt your chin up skyward to expand the area in your throat and express yourself from your heart. The element is sound, and its vibration can be felt throughout our whole body. The invitation is whatever you say, let it stem from your heart and be necessary, truthful and kind.
Third Eye Chakra
Our third eye is our energy center of insight and inner vision. This “meditation sanctuary” is located deep in the center of the brain. The color is indigo, helping us see beyond our immediate reality, accessing deep meditation and higher spiritual vibrations.
Crown Chakra
Our crown chakra is situated at the top of our head, lifting us up to universal energy. and access to higher states of consciousness as we open to what is beyond our personal preoccupations and visions Violet in color, as it descends from the sky, we can envision ourselves ascending up to meet its divine luminous love and light.
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